Getting through the holidays has been a lot. The past month has been a lot. Navigating though a pandemic is a lot. And…here we are, surviving, thriving, and doing the best we can with what we have available to us.
Now more than ever, tending to ourselves and one another is needed as we are individually and collectively dealing with what may seem like crisis after crisis or trauma after trauma.
Self-Care may look like taking a drive just to experience the movement of your car or enjoy time alone, taking a walk outside to experience nature, listening to your favorite song, eating your favorite snack or meal. These moments matter.
Community Care may look like donating time and/or resources to foodbanks and non-profits, advocating for social justice, calling a loved one, or checking on a friend. These moments matter too.
Both forms of care are worthy of our time, energy and effort and are needed to thrive.
Due to a high demand, we have more copies of the Calm Mind, Calm Body, Calm Spirit Journals for Anxiety Relief available at a special rate. Click here to purchase your copy while supplies last.
To Your Health and Prosperity,