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Defining Burnout
Burnout is a form of exhaustion caused by constantly feeling swamped. It's a result of excessive and prolonged emotional, physical, and mental stress.
If left unaddressed, burnout can lead to:
Low morale.
Poor decision-making.
Substandard management practices.

The Dangerous Lies
We Tell Ourselves About Burnout

Workplace Factors
Focusing on what went wrong or what could go wrong.
Escalating work conflict.
Signs & Symptoms
Difficulty staying motivated to go to work when you wake up.
You are incredibly exhausted.
You can't seem to control your moods at work anymore.
Prevention Strategies:
Help assess workload for those who have a hard time disconnecting from work at the end of the work day.
Consider the parallel process of leadership approaches and the impact they will have on the health of leaders and the organization.
Enforce reasonable work hours, including enforcing usage of paid time off and sending employees home at the end of their work day.
Incorporate regular breaks throughout the work day.

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